Binance Square
🍪DevConnect 2023 D-day 4 Devcon, the annual #ETH Ethereum developer conference, sets the stage for the future direction of the crypto market. Devcon 2022 focused on industrialization and regulation, delving into Danksharding, zkEVM, EIP-4844, MEV solutions, and Account Abstraction. There are a number of topics to keep an eye on this year. ✔️Key Topic - DankSharding (EIP-4844) - Staking & DVT (EIP-7514) - Account Abstraction (ERC-4337) - Autonomous World (ERC-6551)

🍪DevConnect 2023 D-day 4

Devcon, the annual #ETH Ethereum developer conference, sets the stage for the future direction of the crypto market.

Devcon 2022 focused on industrialization and regulation, delving into Danksharding, zkEVM, EIP-4844, MEV solutions, and Account Abstraction.

There are a number of topics to keep an eye on this year.

✔️Key Topic

- DankSharding (EIP-4844)

- Staking & DVT (EIP-7514)

- Account Abstraction (ERC-4337)

- Autonomous World (ERC-6551)

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