Binance Square
Based on financial security research, here are five common hackable passwords you should get rid of; if you have been victimized or not, don’t let your door open for cyber criminals. 1. “welcome” 2. “p@ssword” 3. “homelesspa” 4. “admin” 5. “Password” To add one more and which is the worst ever, don’t use your phone number as password. Be conscious of cyber criminals and stay #safu #cybersecurity #CryptoTalks

Based on financial security research, here are five common hackable passwords you should get rid of; if you have been victimized or not, don’t let your door open for cyber criminals.

1. “welcome”

2. “p@ssword”

3. “homelesspa”

4. “admin”

5. “Password”

To add one more and which is the worst ever, don’t use your phone number as password.

Be conscious of cyber criminals and stay #safu #cybersecurity #CryptoTalks

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