Binance Square
🚨 Breaking News: An $8 billion accounting error has been revealed in the trial of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried. A software bug in the accounting system between FTX and its sister company Alameda led to an overstatement of the debt owed to FTX customers. Former FTX developer Adam Yedidia discovered the error and resigned after learning Alameda was using customer funds to repay creditors. What do you think about this shocking revelation? Share your thoughts in the comments! 💬

🚨 Breaking News: An $8 billion accounting error has been revealed in the trial of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried. A software bug in the accounting system between FTX and its sister company Alameda led to an overstatement of the debt owed to FTX customers. Former FTX developer Adam Yedidia discovered the error and resigned after learning Alameda was using customer funds to repay creditors. What do you think about this shocking revelation? Share your thoughts in the comments! 💬

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