🚀 Pepe Coin ($PEPE ) Price Projection 🚀

Curious about where PEPE could be by January 2025? Let’s dive into the numbers! 📈

Historical Data:

• Initial Value (April 15, 2023): $0.000000001

• Current Value (July 2024): $0.0000120

Step 1: Calculate Growth Rate

1. Determine the ratio:

\frac{0.0000120}{0.000000001} = 12000

2. Calculate the annual growth rate (CAGR):

G = (12000)^{\frac{1}{1.25}} - 1

3. Simplify:

G \approx 398.11 - 1 = 397.11

This gives us an approximate growth factor of 39711% over 1.25 years! 🚀

Step 2: Project Future Value by January 2025

1. Apply the growth rate:

V_{future} = 0.0000120 \times (1 + 3.9711)^{0.5}

2. Simplify:

V_{future} = 0.0000120 \times 2.138 \approx 0.000025656

📅 Projected Value by January 2025: $0.000025656

Remember, this is speculative and based on past performance. Always DYOR before investing! 📊💡