$BTC #Bitcoin Chart Analysis
Currently, there are various perspectives on Bitcoin's position in the chart. Here are several scenarios:
#Diamond Pattern Formation
If this is indeed a diamond pattern, it suggests that Bitcoin might break its previous low. If the $94,200 level is breached, the decline could intensify. Please keep this in mind.
2. Formation of an Upward
#Impulse Wave
While this scenario represents a possibility, I personally think it is less likely to occur.
3. WXY Correction Followed by an Impulse Wave
In this case, we could see another correction after the impulse wave. If this scenario holds true, Bitcoin might start forming an upward wave from here, leading to a rise.
4. Triple Tree Possibility
If this scenario plays out, we could be in the WXYXZ pattern, with the Z wave being the remaining move. This suggests that Bitcoin might rise from its previous low and move upward.
Among these scenarios:
Scenarios 1 and 4 indicate further declines.Scenarios 2 and 3 suggest
#upward movement.
While it’s hard to make a definitive decision, it’s advisable to trade according to the situation.
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