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Hope Berkowitz jTja
WORLDCOIN subira? $WLD 📈 SE ESPERA UN GRAN AUMENTO DE  WORLDCOIN 📈 Hay analistas que predicen que con el halving de Bitcoin, wld subira , es lo más probable pero nunca hay un porcentaje que lo afirme asi que antes de nada registrate para poder ir teniendo tus monedas. Hay diversos análisis que predicen una gran subida los próximos días. Te invito a instalar World App. Aquí está el enlace: Ingresa mi código en la configuración XF3XEEZ. #Worldcoin #BTC、 #sube 🔥🔥$





Hay analistas que predicen que con el halving de Bitcoin, wld subira , es lo más probable pero nunca hay un porcentaje que lo afirme asi que antes de nada registrate para poder ir teniendo tus monedas.

Hay diversos análisis que predicen una gran subida los próximos días.

Te invito a instalar World App.

Aquí está el enlace: Ingresa mi código en la configuración XF3XEEZ.

#Worldcoin #BTC、 #sube 🔥🔥$
我所有大赚的币种,几乎都是靠越跌越补的策略成功的 今天,看到一篇价值投资大V文章,意思是个币长期下跌不要抄底补仓。而且,他的做法是:给每个币种设定一定仓位,达到仓位上限后就不再买入,就算再便宜也不能再买入。因为不能越陷越深。他自述这是自己亏出来的经验,一般人不告诉。 我想说的是,这位大V这种风险控制意识还是有的。但是:不够! 为什么?因为不敢低位补仓,说明当初买入的时候就没有考虑足够的安全因素,意思就是说还是怕它跌到破发。那么如果怕破发,不敢在低位补仓,那么当初还买它干什么呢? 我之前大赚的龙头币,几乎都是靠补仓策略成功的。在我一开始准备买入的时候,我就会问自己一个问题,如果对这个问题回答为否,那么,这样的币我就不买。没错,从一开始就不买了,何来后面敢不敢补仓的问题? 因为只有吃到低位的筹码,才能抓住这种市场的错误赚大钱,低位的筹码是非常宝贵的。 那么,我在买入大牛币前必须问自己的问题是什么问题呢?又有哪些币种能够符合这个条件呢?说说你们的看法是否跟我的观点一致。 #etf #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #BTC、 #WIF 我是财神!赶紧点进置顶主页,独家揭秘的牛市策略部署,只向我的粉丝无偿分享!抓住这波牛市,让你的财富如火箭般飙升,成为人生赢家!



#etf #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #BTC、 #WIF

才洗盘两天现在很多人恐惧的都在问是不是牛市已经结束了? 历史不会重演,但是每次都惊人的相似。我们拿历史数据来说话,以过去三波周期数据来看比特币每次减半后1-1.5年才会达到周期的最高点。今天距离减半还有3天,现在减半都还没开始,说牛市已经结束的可以看成活活的韭菜了。这波周期不仅有比特币减半,还叠加美联储降息,又有现货ETF的无限买进,现在的牛市怎么可能已经结束了。洗盘两三天都拿不住的人,尽快退圈,不然以后只会越亏越多,每次回调都是买入的好机会。 我们根据下面表格的数据可以看出,第一波周期,减半当天到最高点涨了88.23倍,第二波周期是30.56倍,第三波周期是7.87倍。我们根据这些历史数据推断这波周期的减半到最高点的涨幅7.87/(88.23/30.56+30.56/7.87)/2=2.04倍,如果三天后减半价格是6.5万美元,哪这波周期的高点应该在13万美元左右。 但是这波周期比较特殊完全赶上了美联储降息周期,所以我简单预测下这波周期高点BTC价格在14-20万美元,高点的时间是在减半后(367+523+544)/3=478天,也就是2025年8月前后。 期待一年多后我们一起把这个表格补充完整。 #etf #比特币减半 #BTC、 我是财神!赶紧点进置顶主页,独家揭秘的牛市策略部署,只向我的粉丝无偿分享!抓住这波牛市,让你的财富如火箭般飙升,成为人生赢家!




#etf #比特币减半 #BTC、

重大新闻:新的神秘人带巨量BTC危及市场 全球第五大比特币持有者再度现身,持有数量达94,500枚比特币! 一个惊人的消息震惊了整个比特币社区:全球第五大比特币持有者在沉寂五年后再度现身。这位神秘人物手中掌握着高达94,500枚比特币,一举成为全球第五大持有者。 根据Arkham Intelligence最新数据,这个神秘钱包如今价值高达66亿美元,并且最近表现出重新活跃的迹象。 早在2019年,这个钱包就开始大量收购比特币,如今这些比特币的价值已经飙升至66亿美元。然而,多年来这个钱包一直保持低调,直到上周末才出现了戏剧性的变化。 持有者采取了一项大胆的举措,将比特币进行了分割,并将其转移至新的钱包中。现在,原始钱包中只剩下1.4枚比特币,而其余比特币则被分散存放在三个不同的钱包中,其中一个钱包甚至拥有高达50亿美元的比特币。 持有者巧妙地将比特币分为两部分,一部分保持原样转移到了新的钱包中,另一部分则均匀分布在另外两个钱包中。这一举措重新分配了94,500枚比特币,使持有者成为全球比特币持有者中的佼佼者。 Arkham的CEO Miguel Morel指出,尽管大多数大型比特币钱包与公司或交易所有关联,但这个钱包一直保持低调,并未与任何交易所建立联系。 这次比特币的动向无疑是一个重大事件,因为这是长时间以来单个钱包首次进行的重大行动。在此之前,也曾发生过其他重要事件,比如2024年1月,一个匿名钱包向中本聪的地址发送了27枚比特币。在2023年11月,另外三个长期沉睡的钱包也突然苏醒,将约7,000枚比特币转移到了Bitfinex。 尽管这一系列事件引发了市场的广泛关注,但比特币价格并未出现大幅波动,仍然稳定在65000美元附近。 因此,在减半之前,我们都需要谨慎保护好自己的钱包,避免在比特币减半之前自己的资产就提前缩水。 #etf #比特币减半 #BTC、 我是财神!赶紧点进置顶主页,独家揭秘的牛市策略部署,只向我的粉丝无偿分享!抓住这波牛市,让你的财富如火箭般飙升,成为人生赢家!



根据Arkham Intelligence最新数据,这个神秘钱包如今价值高达66亿美元,并且最近表现出重新活跃的迹象。




Arkham的CEO Miguel Morel指出,尽管大多数大型比特币钱包与公司或交易所有关联,但这个钱包一直保持低调,并未与任何交易所建立联系。



#etf #比特币减半 #BTC、

你认为这一波大饼要跌到哪个位置?👇🏻 涨了看涨,看8万,10万,15万。 跌了看跌,看5万,4万,3万。 #etf #比特币减半 #BTC、

#etf #比特币减半 #BTC、
36 ψήφοι • Η ψηφοφορία ολοκληρώθηκε
Almost every token in crypto is a memecoin Bitcoin is the biggest Zero utility Although it has VALUE Which is a subjective belief of people and their willingness to buy (demand) 8/10 of Founders are overlooking perceived value But the best way is to find the balance between intrinsic and perceived value Do you understand what I'm saying? #BTCHalvingApril2024 #BTC、 #MemeCoinsSeason
Almost every token in crypto is a memecoin

Bitcoin is the biggest

Zero utility

Although it has VALUE

Which is a subjective belief of people and their willingness to buy (demand)

8/10 of Founders are overlooking perceived value

But the best way is to find the balance between intrinsic and perceived value

Do you understand what I'm saying?

#BTCHalvingApril2024 #BTC、 #MemeCoinsSeason
$BTC In the macro analysis, a bullish divergence is observed in the Cumulative Volume Delta (CVD), suggesting potential upside momentum. However,confirmation of the reclaim at the VAL of FRVP at $64,050 is essential to consider further bullish scenarios. On the other hand, losing the range low $58.700 and flipping it as resistance could signal further downside, with targets as low as $50,000, especially in the event of a black swan occurrence. Recent fundamental events, such as the Iran attack on Israel, underscore the importance of considering external factors in our analysis.While these events can influence the charts, a cool-off in price action is evident. #BullorBear #BTC、 #crypto2024 #CryptoNews🚀🔥 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

In the macro analysis, a bullish divergence is observed in the Cumulative Volume Delta (CVD), suggesting potential upside momentum. However,confirmation of the reclaim at the VAL of FRVP at $64,050 is essential to consider further bullish

On the other hand, losing the range low $58.700 and flipping it as resistance could signal further downside, with targets as low as $50,000, especially in the event of a black swan occurrence.

Recent fundamental events, such as the Iran attack on Israel, underscore the importance of considering external factors in our analysis.While these events can influence the charts, a cool-off in price action is evident.
#BullorBear #BTC、 #crypto2024 #CryptoNews🚀🔥 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Bitcoin Trade , again i took a quick #BTC、 trade as soon i gets the signal from Cryptopredix indicator , if you dont have this indicator then you are missing every quick move from btc , i just took eth and btc quick scalps and closed in good profits #etf #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving
Bitcoin Trade , again i took a quick #BTC、 trade as soon i gets the signal from Cryptopredix indicator , if you dont have this indicator then you are missing every quick move from btc , i just took eth and btc quick scalps and closed in good profits #etf #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving
#BTC、 Quick Update ⭐⭐⭐ It looks like Bitcoin is following this #Pattern on the Daily chart Millions of Longs and Shorts are liquidated daily. Whales are playing a major game in this pump-and-dump strategy. But the spot #HODLHeroes will rise one day. Just follow the #WhaleInvestors and be a winner.
#BTC、 Quick Update ⭐⭐⭐

It looks like Bitcoin is following this #Pattern on the Daily chart

Millions of Longs and Shorts are liquidated daily.

Whales are playing a major game in this pump-and-dump strategy. But the spot #HODLHeroes will rise one day.

Just follow the #WhaleInvestors and be a winner.
Just in, Hong Kong has approved spot ETFs for Bitcoin and Ethereum. It’s a major bullish move! #etf #BTC、 #ETH
Just in, Hong Kong has approved spot ETFs for Bitcoin and Ethereum.
It’s a major bullish move!
#etf #BTC、 #ETH
The market is neither going down nor going up. From this, what can be predicted about what can happen in the market in the coming time...? #ENA #BTC、 #dogeburn #$BTC $ENA $ETH
The market is neither going down nor going up. From this, what can be predicted about what can happen in the market in the coming time...? #ENA #BTC、 #dogeburn #$BTC $ENA $ETH
BEL/USDT 🟢 LONG Entry 0.8900 to 0.9250 Target 🎯1st target=0.9600 2nd 🎯 = 1.0200 3rd 🎯 = 1.1100 Leverage 5x. Less than 10 BEST time to take long entry in bel/usdt Inshallah you will recover your loss with is this chance Take long entry with low leverage 5x to 10x mean less than 10x I know every loss there money this week beacuse of market crash But now time to tecover You can take long position in any coin but with low risk Letss Go #BinanceLaunchpool #Memecoins #BTC、 #belusdt
Entry 0.8900 to 0.9250

Target 🎯1st target=0.9600
2nd 🎯 = 1.0200
3rd 🎯 = 1.1100

Leverage 5x. Less than 10

BEST time to take long entry in bel/usdt

Inshallah you will recover your loss with is this chance
Take long entry with low leverage 5x to 10x mean less than 10x
I know every loss there money this week beacuse of market crash
But now time to tecover
You can take long position in any coin but with low risk
Letss Go
#BinanceLaunchpool #Memecoins #BTC、 #belusdt
Bitcoin Sell-Off on the Horizon? Miners May Dump $5 Billion After Halving, Says Analyst Bitcoin miners, the backbone of the cryptocurrency's network, could be poised to sell a significant amount of their holdings following the next halving event, according to a recent report by 10x Research. Potential $5 Billion Sell-Off Looms Markus Thielen, head of research at 10x Research, suggests that miners might liquidate up to $5 billion worth of Bitcoin (BTC) in the months following the halving. This large sell-off, Thielen argues, could put downward pressure on the price of Bitcoin. Past Halvings Inform Future Predictions Thielen's prediction is based on historical trends observed after previous halving events. Bitcoin halvings cut the block reward for miners in half, essentially reducing the daily supply of new Bitcoin entering circulation. This decreased supply has historically driven price increases. However, miners, faced with constant operating costs, often sell a portion of their rewards to cover expenses. Sideways Market or Summer Lull? Thielen posits that the anticipated miner sell-off could lead to a period of price stagnation for #BTC、 . He points to the 2020 halving as an example, where the price remained rangebound between $9,000 and $11,500 for several months following the event. This extended period of sideways movement could be dubbed a "summer lull" for the cryptocurrency market. Is the Sell-Off a Cause for Concern? The potential miner sell-off shouldn't necessarily be interpreted as bearish news for Bitcoin. While it might cause a temporary price dip, it could also be seen as a normal market correction. Additionally, if past halving cycles are any indication, the decrease in supply could still lead to a long-term price increase for Bitcoin once the market absorbs the initial sell-off. Important to Stay Informed Investors and traders should keep this potential miner sell-off in mind as the next Bitcoin halving approaches. By staying informed about such events and potential market movements, they can make more informed investment decisions.
Bitcoin Sell-Off on the Horizon? Miners May Dump $5 Billion After Halving, Says Analyst

Bitcoin miners, the backbone of the cryptocurrency's network, could be poised to sell a significant amount of their holdings following the next halving event, according to a recent report by 10x Research.

Potential $5 Billion Sell-Off Looms

Markus Thielen, head of research at 10x Research, suggests that miners might liquidate up to $5 billion worth of Bitcoin (BTC) in the months following the halving. This large sell-off, Thielen argues, could put downward pressure on the price of Bitcoin.

Past Halvings Inform Future Predictions

Thielen's prediction is based on historical trends observed after previous halving events. Bitcoin halvings cut the block reward for miners in half, essentially reducing the daily supply of new Bitcoin entering circulation. This decreased supply has historically driven price increases. However, miners, faced with constant operating costs, often sell a portion of their rewards to cover expenses.

Sideways Market or Summer Lull?

Thielen posits that the anticipated miner sell-off could lead to a period of price stagnation for #BTC、 . He points to the 2020 halving as an example, where the price remained rangebound between $9,000 and $11,500 for several months following the event. This extended period of sideways movement could be dubbed a "summer lull" for the cryptocurrency market.

Is the Sell-Off a Cause for Concern?

The potential miner sell-off shouldn't necessarily be interpreted as bearish news for Bitcoin. While it might cause a temporary price dip, it could also be seen as a normal market correction. Additionally, if past halving cycles are any indication, the decrease in supply could still lead to a long-term price increase for Bitcoin once the market absorbs the initial sell-off.

Important to Stay Informed

Investors and traders should keep this potential miner sell-off in mind as the next Bitcoin halving approaches. By staying informed about such events and potential market movements, they can make more informed investment decisions.
Oh my God, Bitcoin is down $5,000! Oh my God, Bitcoin is up $5,000! Don't hurt yourself mentally! This has been happening in this industry for years and will continue for the next 100 years. Money markets work like this; price movements are always derived from people's emotions and the world situation. ❌ Hurting your brain isn't cool! ✅ You know what's cool? ▪ Building blockchain businesses. ▪ Starting to work with a solid web3 brand. ▪ Helping some web3 brand reach new heights. ▪ Doing something that will improve people's lives. ▪ Helping the world gain solid utility with blockchain tech. Make something of yourself in this industry. And if you are into trading, you are surely making money! Because these ups and downs are the best days to make dollars. Think big, think long-term! #bitcoinhalving #BTC、 #CryptoGain
Oh my God, Bitcoin is down $5,000!
Oh my God, Bitcoin is up $5,000!

Don't hurt yourself mentally!

This has been happening in this industry for years and will continue for the next 100 years.

Money markets work like this; price movements are always derived from people's emotions and the world situation.

❌ Hurting your brain isn't cool!
✅ You know what's cool?

▪ Building blockchain businesses.
▪ Starting to work with a solid web3 brand.
▪ Helping some web3 brand reach new heights.
▪ Doing something that will improve people's lives.
▪ Helping the world gain solid utility with blockchain tech.

Make something of yourself in this industry.

And if you are into trading, you are surely making money!
Because these ups and downs are the best days to make dollars.

Think big, think long-term!

#bitcoinhalving #BTC、 #CryptoGain
📢 BREAKING NEWS 🗣️ 🚨 $No it's not Isreal and Iran war is the reason behind market crash. It's bound to crash because of these reasons 🚨 1) Historically during the #bitcoinhalving market crashes and expect more crash 2) When $BTC crashes it takes down all the alt coins $ETH $SOL 3) Staying away from future is the best decision you can opt 4) If you are in loss at the moment, hold 5) During April end market would pump for sure and touch ATH in June and July. We already having two wars going on from last 1 year and till managed to reach ATH. Do you think few missiles can crash the market. 📢💁 Guys, don't listen to people's words. People see the posts on Tik Tok, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. They tell people that this is because of the war between Israel and Iran, and such a big market is not because of the war between Israel and Iran. Don't listen to what people say. #BTC、 #bitcoinhalvingn
🚨 $No it's not Isreal and Iran war is the reason behind market crash. It's bound to crash because of these reasons 🚨
1) Historically during the #bitcoinhalving market crashes and expect more crash
2) When $BTC crashes it takes down all the alt coins $ETH $SOL
3) Staying away from future is the best decision you can opt
4) If you are in loss at the moment, hold
5) During April end market would pump for sure and touch ATH in June and July.
We already having two wars going on from last 1 year and till managed to reach ATH. Do you think few missiles can crash the market.
📢💁 Guys, don't listen to people's words. People see the posts on Tik Tok, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. They tell people that this is because of the war between Israel and Iran, and such a big market is not because of the war between Israel and Iran. Don't listen to what people say. #BTC、 #bitcoinhalvingn
possibilety to dump more be alert #BTC、
possibilety to dump more be alert
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