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#crypto2023 war nie einfach, aber Moment mal!! Denk darüber nach !! Wenn Sie langfristig Teil der Zukunft des Finanzwesens und vielleicht auch Teil einer Gemeinschaft sein möchten und ein Zugehörigkeitsgefühl haben, das heutzutage im Leben wichtig ist, dann sind Sie hier genau richtig 👍❤️🦍

#crypto2023 war nie einfach, aber Moment mal!! Denk darüber nach !! Wenn Sie langfristig Teil der Zukunft des Finanzwesens und vielleicht auch Teil einer Gemeinschaft sein möchten und ein Zugehörigkeitsgefühl haben, das heutzutage im Leben wichtig ist, dann sind Sie hier genau richtig 👍❤️🦍

Haftungsausschluss: Enthält Meinungen Dritter. Die hier bereitgestellten Informationen stellen keine Finanzberatung dar. Kann gesponserte Inhalte enthalten. Siehe AGB.
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⚡️PUBLIC TESTING FEEDBACK SO FAR 📝 Public Tests are now in action and producing some early positive results ✅ Here are a few samples of the early feedback from the testers in the ‘SD Telegram Channel’⚡️ 1️⃣”Hello, Everything works smoothly and wonderfully. I easily managed to create an SD token with backing and staking functionality. I pre-sold and it works💪. Was also possible to buy and sell my (SDX) token to test the reward. If there is a FEGtrack for monitoring SD tokens, it would be interesting” ❤️ - SDX Creator 2️⃣ “Having tested the SDL, one thing is certain, DeFi will be divided into two eras, before SmartDeFi and after. Dismiss the old ways, with SmartDeFi, the future is not just ahead, the future is ours! - @Capt_M_X from $SPARK KING 3️⃣ “After the AMA, and gaining a little bit further understanding of the true power of Smart Defi, for sure going to get the ball rolling. Can't wait until a bit more info releases about the nitty gritty of it. These SD tutorial videos and information documents that was spoke of in the AMA help for easy deployment of a token. Keep up the great work and FEG for the win” 🏆 - SigniFX ​ 4️⃣ “I completed almost all the steps, I did not have any problems, the completion of the steps was very smooth and perfect, I am extremely grateful to FEGrox and the strong team that are doing their best to make this project successful as it deserves, hoping for the days when FEG will stand tall among the top currencies” 💪🏽 - Maqdad ROX IS HAPPY 😊 There has been so much positive progress in ‘Public Tests’ so far and we can tell you that our DEVALIEN is very happy and in his own words; “This is exactly what was needed, improves the products and makes us faster” - FEGrox 💪🏽❤️🦍 THE MARKETING TEAM #PIXEL #FEGtoken #BTC;

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