Binance Square
Crypto lawyers are divided over the impact of a recent court order denying the US Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) plan to file an interlocutory appeal against Ripple. Some legal experts see the decision as a significant win for Ripple, while others have urged caution. The ongoing proceedings involve the SEC's case against Ripple and its CEO Brad Garlinghouse and executive chairman Christian Larsen. The trial is scheduled for April 23, 2024, and if the SEC wishes to lodge an appeal, it will need to do so after the trial has concluded.

Crypto lawyers are divided over the impact of a recent court order denying the US Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) plan to file an interlocutory appeal against Ripple. Some legal experts see the decision as a significant win for Ripple, while others have urged caution. The ongoing proceedings involve the SEC's case against Ripple and its CEO Brad Garlinghouse and executive chairman Christian Larsen. The trial is scheduled for April 23, 2024, and if the SEC wishes to lodge an appeal, it will need to do so after the trial has concluded.

Haftungsausschluss: Enthält Meinungen Dritter. Die hier bereitgestellten Informationen stellen keine Finanzberatung dar. Kann gesponserte Inhalte enthalten. Siehe AGB.
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