ان يأتي البامب في هذا المكان ليس مؤشر جيد دليل علي انزلاقه قادمه نرجو ان تحفظو هذا المنشور للذكره ان الذكره تنفع المؤمنين هناك منشور ايضا قديم ان سوف يحدث بامب ارتفاع وانخفاض
We will do as we did before and will now be drawing again at Esportage 2017. To enter the draw contact us. The fee to participate in the draw is $5, and the draw will take place on the last day of the holy month of Ramadan. To enter the draw, click on the link and deposit $5. After you finish, write “Done” in the comments and I wish you success.
باقي علي القروب عدد قليل لانشائه ونتجهز لانجاز برنامج التدول الازم وتحديد الهبوط والصعود سوف تصبح مفاجائه من العيار الثقيل 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑😎🏇$BTC ااننا ياساده نقوم بصناعة المجد هذا من فضل ربي علي ان اشكر نعمته ياساده هل ما زالت لا تتاببعني لا عليك ياعزيزي انا قلق بشائنك كيف سوف تصنع المال تنويه هام القروب سوف يكون لاشخاص قامت بالمتابعه اردت ان تتعلم وتفهم وليس ارادت تشاهد وتاخذ المعلومه وبعدها تذهب المعلومات اقيم من المال بنسبة لي لذالك اي اجاابه لن تكون علي المنصه نهائي نحذر ايضا التوصيات يمنع منعا باتا خروجها ووضعها علي المنصه لن يكون الامر عبث مرحبا بكم في عالمي #بعد اكتمال العدد المتابعين للعدد المناسب سنكتفي بهذا القدر في القروب بأذن الله ، والله الموفق لي ولكم ان شاء الله
Just as I fully expected that you should think differently than others, the market needs different expectations from others and looking at the range. When the market fell, everyone felt panic and frustration, while I felt reassured that it was a golden opportunity Everyone was putting all their money in one of the currencies while it was rising while I was waiting for the moment of decline which was a division Money for opportunities is what I call the golden opportunity and here I can make huge amounts of money while I was also selling some currencies for a small gain due to my full knowledge that the market is volatile at any moment and external factors are outside my control while I was involved in storing some currencies for 7 months so that I would be a beneficiary in both cases A proverb says when people start to fear and panic I buy from someone who does not have a strong heart and has no gain The market plays on people’s emotions. You should not have emotions It is better to have something than nothing.