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Jack BlockchainJack
🚀Crypto rollercoaster alert!🎢 As we awaited the U.S. regulatory decision on ether ETFs, crypto prices went on a wild ride. ETH took a nosedive to $3,500, then skyrocketed to nearly $3,900, finally settling above $3,800 post-confirmation.🎉 BTC had its own drama, sinking to the low-$66,000s, then spiking to $68,300 before losing some gains. But ETH outperformed, advancing 1.5% over 24 hours, while BTC declined almost 3%.😎 The plot twist? Liquidations across all leveraged crypto derivative positions shot up to over $350 million!💥 Most of these were longs betting on rising prices, worth about $250 million. Looks like some traders were caught off-guard by the price plunge. ETH traders took the biggest hit, with $132 million of liquidations.😱 What's your take on this wild ride? Share your thoughts in the comments!👇 #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoDrama

🚀Crypto rollercoaster alert!🎢 As we awaited the U.S. regulatory decision on ether ETFs, crypto prices went on a wild ride. ETH took a nosedive to $3,500, then skyrocketed to nearly $3,900, finally settling above $3,800 post-confirmation.🎉

BTC had its own drama, sinking to the low-$66,000s, then spiking to $68,300 before losing some gains. But ETH outperformed, advancing 1.5% over 24 hours, while BTC declined almost 3%.😎

The plot twist? Liquidations across all leveraged crypto derivative positions shot up to over $350 million!💥 Most of these were longs betting on rising prices, worth about $250 million. Looks like some traders were caught off-guard by the price plunge. ETH traders took the biggest hit, with $132 million of liquidations.😱

What's your take on this wild ride? Share your thoughts in the comments!👇 #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoDrama

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