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Jack BlockchainJack
🎉🎉Crypto enthusiasts, rejoice! The House has passed the FIT21 Act, a major win for our industry. This is the furthest any crypto-focused legislation has made it in the U.S. so far. 🚀🚀 While some folks are worried about the bill increasing the CFTC's oversight of crypto, others see it as a turning point for crypto in the U.S. 🧐🧐 But wait, there's a twist! Some crypto legal experts think we're being psyopped with this FIT21 thing. They argue it's just a way for the government to sanction what the industry has been doing without permission. 😱😱 And then there's Maxine Waters, who thinks it's one of the worst bills she's ever seen. She says the CFTC doesn't get enough authority to regulate crypto in this bill. 🤔🤔 But hey, many in the crypto industry see the bipartisan vote as a symbolic vote for crypto itself, a sign of a better future. So maybe this is one psyop worth celebrating? 🥳🥳 What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments! Let's get this crypto conversation started! 🗣🗣 #CryptoNews #FIT21Act #DeFi #Web3

🎉🎉Crypto enthusiasts, rejoice! The House has passed the FIT21 Act, a major win for our industry. This is the furthest any crypto-focused legislation has made it in the U.S. so far. 🚀🚀

While some folks are worried about the bill increasing the CFTC's oversight of crypto, others see it as a turning point for crypto in the U.S. 🧐🧐

But wait, there's a twist! Some crypto legal experts think we're being psyopped with this FIT21 thing. They argue it's just a way for the government to sanction what the industry has been doing without permission. 😱😱

And then there's Maxine Waters, who thinks it's one of the worst bills she's ever seen. She says the CFTC doesn't get enough authority to regulate crypto in this bill. 🤔🤔

But hey, many in the crypto industry see the bipartisan vote as a symbolic vote for crypto itself, a sign of a better future. So maybe this is one psyop worth celebrating? 🥳🥳

What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments! Let's get this crypto conversation started! 🗣🗣 #CryptoNews #FIT21Act #DeFi #Web3

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