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🚀🚀In a plot twist worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster, the U.S. House of Representatives has voted to prevent the Federal Reserve from issuing a digital dollar. The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act, introduced by Tom Emmer, aims to block the U.S. central bank from developing a digital dollar. The reason? Fears that a U.S. CBDC could be used to control Americans.👀 🎭🎭Democrats argued the concerns were overblown and a ban would stifle public sector innovation. The vote was largely along party lines, with 213 Republicans and three Democrats for the bill, and 192 Democrats against. 🎉🎉However, the crypto community is still celebrating the House's passage of FIT21, a crypto market structure bill. This bill, which received bipartisan support, gives the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission more authority over digital assets. 🍿🍿Despite the drama, both bills seem destined for a Senate stalemate. But hey, at least crypto is finally getting some recognition! What's your take on these developments? Let's chat in the comments! #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoNews

🚀🚀In a plot twist worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster, the U.S. House of Representatives has voted to prevent the Federal Reserve from issuing a digital dollar. The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act, introduced by Tom Emmer, aims to block the U.S. central bank from developing a digital dollar. The reason? Fears that a U.S. CBDC could be used to control Americans.👀

🎭🎭Democrats argued the concerns were overblown and a ban would stifle public sector innovation. The vote was largely along party lines, with 213 Republicans and three Democrats for the bill, and 192 Democrats against.

🎉🎉However, the crypto community is still celebrating the House's passage of FIT21, a crypto market structure bill. This bill, which received bipartisan support, gives the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission more authority over digital assets.

🍿🍿Despite the drama, both bills seem destined for a Senate stalemate. But hey, at least crypto is finally getting some recognition! What's your take on these developments? Let's chat in the comments! #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoNews

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