Binance Square
🚀 Ether ETFs may soon be a reality! The SEC has been in talks with potential issuers, sparking speculation of an imminent approval. However, there's still some "homework" left, according to journalist Eleanor Terrett. The SEC might work with Ether ETF issuers on S-1 forms over the coming weeks/months. This follows the approval of the FIT21 crypto bill in the U.S. House of Representatives. Ethereum co-founder, Joseph Lubin, is optimistic, stating that Ether ETFs in the U.S. were "as good as done." But, he warns the S-1 process "could drag on for a while." Stay tuned!

🚀 Ether ETFs may soon be a reality! The SEC has been in talks with potential issuers, sparking speculation of an imminent approval. However, there's still some "homework" left, according to journalist Eleanor Terrett. The SEC might work with Ether ETF issuers on S-1 forms over the coming weeks/months. This follows the approval of the FIT21 crypto bill in the U.S. House of Representatives. Ethereum co-founder, Joseph Lubin, is optimistic, stating that Ether ETFs in the U.S. were "as good as done." But, he warns the S-1 process "could drag on for a while." Stay tuned!

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