Binance Square
🚀 StarkWare has launched ZK Threads, a new framework to boost the scalability of decentralized apps (DApps) and prevent trapped funds. This tech could be a game-changer, especially when centralized exchanges take a nap (which they often do). Users can keep trading via the base layer, ensuring markets stay efficient. Developed with Cartridge, ZK Threads tackles fragmentation by creating a standardized environment for building easily verifiable apps. StarkWare's layer-2 solution, Starknet, enables horizontal scaling through execution sharding, enhanced with zero-knowledge proofs. So, no more isolated apps, just a seamless fabric of interoperable ones. Now, that's what we call a Stark contrast!

🚀 StarkWare has launched ZK Threads, a new framework to boost the scalability of decentralized apps (DApps) and prevent trapped funds. This tech could be a game-changer, especially when centralized exchanges take a nap (which they often do). Users can keep trading via the base layer, ensuring markets stay efficient. Developed with Cartridge, ZK Threads tackles fragmentation by creating a standardized environment for building easily verifiable apps. StarkWare's layer-2 solution, Starknet, enables horizontal scaling through execution sharding, enhanced with zero-knowledge proofs. So, no more isolated apps, just a seamless fabric of interoperable ones. Now, that's what we call a Stark contrast!

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