Binance Square
A crypto trader named dimethyltryptamine.eth (let's call him DMT for short) is famous for turning a small investment into a huge win. Here's the breakdown: DMT started with 251: He invested a tiny amount, just 251 worth of Ethereum (ETH), in a cryptocurrency called PEPE. Huge return with PEPE: That investment turned into a massive win of 26.9 million! This is a crazy gain of 107,000 times his original investment. Smart trades with PEPE: DMT didn't sell everything at once. He bought a huge amount of pepe(5.9 trillion tokens) with his initial investment and then strategically sold off 3.95 trillion tokens for 4.7 million worth of ETH. Still holding a fortune: Even after selling some, DMT still holds a massive amount of pepe 2 trillion tokens, which are currently valued at 22.2 million. Basically, DMT is a crypto rockstar who turned a small investment into a life-changing amount of money by trading PEPE. $PEPE #MemeWatch2024

A crypto trader named dimethyltryptamine.eth (let's call him DMT for short) is famous for turning a small investment into a huge win. Here's the breakdown:

DMT started with 251: He invested a tiny amount, just 251 worth of Ethereum (ETH), in a cryptocurrency called PEPE.

Huge return with PEPE: That investment turned into a massive win of 26.9 million! This is a crazy gain of 107,000 times his original investment.

Smart trades with PEPE: DMT didn't sell everything at once. He bought a huge amount of pepe(5.9 trillion tokens) with his initial investment and then strategically sold off 3.95 trillion tokens for 4.7 million worth of ETH.

Still holding a fortune: Even after selling some, DMT still holds a massive amount of pepe 2 trillion tokens, which are currently valued at 22.2 million.

Basically, DMT is a crypto rockstar who turned a small investment into a life-changing amount of money by trading PEPE.



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