Binance Square
$BTC #write2earn🌐💹 #write2earnonbinancesquare 20May update 2024 Bitcoin Investment Trust Funds Are Buying! In the latest update, several investment funds focused on Bitcoin (ETFs) added a total of 3,077 Bitcoins to their holdings. This represents an increase of over $207 million dollars in their total investment. Here's a breakdown of two major contributors: Grayscale added another 59 Bitcoins, bringing their total holdings to 288,954 Bitcoins. This is currently valued at approximately $19.5 billion dollars. Fidelity added a significant amount, at 1,487 Bitcoins, bringing their total to 158,259 Bitcoins. The total value of their holdings is now around $10.56 billion dollars.

$BTC #write2earn🌐💹 #write2earnonbinancesquare

20May update 2024

Bitcoin Investment Trust Funds Are Buying!

In the latest update, several investment funds focused on Bitcoin (ETFs) added a total of 3,077 Bitcoins to their holdings. This represents an increase of over $207 million dollars in their total investment.

Here's a breakdown of two major contributors:

Grayscale added another 59 Bitcoins, bringing their total holdings to 288,954 Bitcoins. This is currently valued at approximately $19.5 billion dollars.

Fidelity added a significant amount, at 1,487 Bitcoins, bringing their total to 158,259 Bitcoins. The total value of their holdings is now around $10.56 billion dollars.

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