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NVIDIA has moved up a gear! New chips are coming NVIDIA is not slowing down in artificial intelligence chip production. The company will continue to lead the technology world with a new chip every year. NVIDIA made a profit of $14 billion in one quarter thanks to its artificial intelligence (AI) chips and decided to move forward without slowing down after this success. CEO Jensen Huang announced that the company will now design a new chip every year. Here are the details… #NVIDIA previously produced a new architecture every two years. It introduced Ampere in 2020, Hopper in 2022 and Blackwell in 2024. From now on, a new chip will arrive every year. Huang said, “After Blackwell, there is another chip. From now on, we will be in a new chip rhythm every year,” he said. With this new rhythm, NVIDIA will become even stronger on its way to becoming a pioneer in the technology world. Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo reported that the next architecture will be “Rubin” and will arrive in 2025. Huang's comments confirm this report. So, we may see the R100 AI GPU very soon. NVIDIA will be stepping up on all chip types, not just AI chips. Huang made exciting announcements, saying, “New CPUs, new GPUs, new network cards, new switches… a bunch of chips are coming.” NVIDIA's next generation #AI GPUs will be backward compatible. This means they will work seamlessly with your existing software. This means customers can easily switch from H100 to H200 to B100. “Customers will be able to easily migrate to their existing data centers,” said Huang. We can say that this is another indicator of NVIDIA's user-friendly approach. NVIDIA's #CFO stated that the automotive industry will be the biggest enterprise trend in data center this year. Tesla purchased 35 thousand H100 GPUs to train its "fully autonomous (self) driving" system. Consumer internet companies like Meta also hold an important place in NVIDIA's growth verticals. Meta plans to power more than 350 thousand H100 GPUs by the end of the year.
Terra Founder Do Kwon's Fate May Be Decided: SEC Goes to Montenegro An important meeting was held for Do Kwon, the founder of Terra (LUNA), which caused a huge earthquake in the cryptocurrency market by sinking. Montenegrin Minister of Justice Andrej Milović and Director General of Capital, International and EU Fund Projects Dragutin Đeković recently met with representatives of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC delegation included Director of Investigations Gurbir Greval, Head of the Crypto Asset and Cyber ​​Unit (CACU) David Hirsch, CACU Deputy Director Jorge Tenriero, Office of International Affairs (OIA) Deputy Director Matthew Greiner and Senior Special Counsel (OIA) Marley Miller. During the meeting, Minister Milović was presented with a detailed principle on the work of the SEC, with particular emphasis on the principles of monitoring and protecting investors participating in stock market transactions and cryptocurrency trading. It was explained how the legal system works regarding these activities, what legal remedies are available for investors and what actions are taken in different situations. One of the topics of the meeting was the SEC's investigation into the Terra (LUNA) founder Do Kwon case. Minister Milović was informed about the results of this investigation and the progress of the legal process against Do Kwon in the USA. Minister Milović emphasized the importance of international cooperation in the field of investor protection and the fight against fraud in financial markets and thanked the SEC representatives for the detailed presentation and useful information. $BTC $LUNA

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