Binance Square
🔍Bahrain-based crypto exchange Rain was hit by a $14.8M hack at the end of April, according to blockchain detective ZachXBT. The stolen funds, 137.9 BTC and 1,881 ETH, have been inactive since the exploit. 🕵️‍♂️ Rain's "pro" version, an advanced trading platform, has been intermittently down since May 5. Last year, crypto investors lost $2B to hacks and exploits across the industry, with an additional $333M stolen in Q1 this year. 😮 Rain, licensed to operate a virtual asset brokerage and custody service in the UAE since 2023, has yet to comment. What are your thoughts on this? How can exchanges better protect their platforms and users? Let's discuss! 💬👇 #CryptoNews #Blockchain

🔍Bahrain-based crypto exchange Rain was hit by a $14.8M hack at the end of April, according to blockchain detective ZachXBT. The stolen funds, 137.9 BTC and 1,881 ETH, have been inactive since the exploit. 🕵️‍♂️

Rain's "pro" version, an advanced trading platform, has been intermittently down since May 5. Last year, crypto investors lost $2B to hacks and exploits across the industry, with an additional $333M stolen in Q1 this year. 😮

Rain, licensed to operate a virtual asset brokerage and custody service in the UAE since 2023, has yet to comment.

What are your thoughts on this? How can exchanges better protect their platforms and users? Let's discuss! 💬👇 #CryptoNews #Blockchain

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