Binance Square
$PENDLE breaking into the new low. The sooner you accept that your idea was wrong the better it is for your Capital. This is where many traders fail, they don't accept that they can be wrong and keep losing money. Traders don't change their bias thinking what people will say, Do not care about people care about your account balance, people are not the one feeding you and your family. Let them talk.

$PENDLE breaking into the new low.

The sooner you accept that your idea was wrong the better it is for your Capital. This is where many traders fail, they don't accept that they can be wrong and keep losing money.

Traders don't change their bias thinking what people will say, Do not care about people care about your account balance, people are not the one feeding you and your family. Let them talk.

Now this is bad stuff on $PENDLE
Not a good looking chart anymore.
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Отговори 25
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