Binance Square
Crypto Zaggy
Today's market? We didn't do much. I was BULLISH after BTC Hidden divergence gave an inverse Head and Shoulder.. But immediately I noticed the rejection, I called everyone out and closed my BTC position with a thousand dollars profit. The only regret is that I didn't catch the SELL on time as I was waiting for the break of support but due to my health and medication, I was very weak and I had to close my eyes to rest. But in all, I'm glad we didn't bleéd with the Market. This is what KNOWLEDGE can do, KNOWLEDGE can save you from unnecessary losses✌️

Today's market?

We didn't do much.

I was BULLISH after BTC Hidden divergence gave an inverse Head and Shoulder..

But immediately I noticed the rejection, I called everyone out and closed my BTC position with a thousand dollars profit.

The only regret is that I didn't catch the SELL on time as I was waiting for the break of support but due to my health and medication, I was very weak and I had to close my eyes to rest.

But in all, I'm glad we didn't bleéd with the Market.

This is what KNOWLEDGE can do, KNOWLEDGE can save you from unnecessary losses✌️

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