Binance Square
Crypto Zaggy
Today is the Last Day!!! I have been able to accept 4 new students to be under my mentorship. I don't just accept you, I have to see that fire in you to make sure you are ready to learn. For those msgs on Twitter(X), I have responded. For those that will messege today, I will respond this evening. If you want my mentorship, show me you're serious. Let's go guys ✌️

Today is the Last Day!!!

I have been able to accept 4 new students to be under my mentorship.

I don't just accept you, I have to see that fire in you to make sure you are ready to learn.

For those msgs on Twitter(X), I have responded.

For those that will messege today, I will respond this evening.

If you want my mentorship, show me you're serious.

Let's go guys ✌️

Отказ от отговорност: Включва мнения на трети страни. Това не е финансов съвет. Може да включва спонсорирано съдържание. Вижте Правилата и условията.
Отговори 14
Разгледайте най-новите крипто новини
⚡️ Бъдете част от най-новите дискусии в криптовалутното пространство
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👍 Насладете се на съдържание, което ви интересува
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