Binance Square
The current Highest Bitcoin holder Changed or Still same entity ? Who owns the highest amount of Bitcoin worldwide now ? A United States software company now owns more bitcoins than any single country after taking its bitcoin holdings to more than $14 billion which is worth £11bn 😳😲 🔥 🚀 In it's latest financial results disclosed, MicroStrategy announced that it bought 25,250 bitcoins in the first four months of 2024, taking its total to 214,400 Bitcoin – more than 1% of all bitcoins in existence. If I may ask, are you currently holding Bitcoin ? if no, what could be the reason ? or you are just trading it for stablecoins? me? I'm holding some 😁🫶 #Crypto_Angel

The current Highest Bitcoin holder Changed or Still same entity ?

Who owns the highest amount of Bitcoin worldwide now ?

A United States software company now owns more bitcoins than any single country after taking its bitcoin holdings to more than $14 billion which is worth £11bn 😳😲 🔥 🚀

In it's latest financial results disclosed, MicroStrategy announced that it bought 25,250 bitcoins in the first four months of 2024, taking its total to 214,400 Bitcoin – more than 1% of all bitcoins in existence.

If I may ask, are you currently holding Bitcoin ? if no, what could be the reason ?

or you are just trading it for stablecoins?

me? I'm holding some 😁🫶


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👉Notcoin ($NOT) COMING TO @Binance 🔥 🚀🚀 It is the latest project on Binance Launchpool 🔥 Notcoin is a good project with great immunity - it is probably nothing 😁 It is the 54th project on Binance Launchpool 🔥 📍 Binance is excited to announce the 54th project on Binance Launchpool - Notcoin (NOT), a community token which onboarded users into web3 through a tap-to-earn mining mechanic. The webpage is estimated to be available in 24 hours, before the Launchpool starts.  📍Farm NOT by Staking BNB and FDUSD 2024-05-09 16:25 📍IMPORTANT: Binance will be the first platform to list the token mentioned herein, with trade starting at 2024-05-16 12:00 (UTC). Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds! 📍Users will be able to stake their BNB and FDUSD into separate pools to farm NOT tokens over three days, with farming starting from 2024-05-13 00:00 (UTC). Listing 📍 Binance will then list NOT at 2024-05-16 12:00 (UTC) and open trading with NOT/BTC, NOT/USDT, NOT/BNB, NOT/FDUSD and NOT/TRY trading pairs. The Seed Tag will be applied to NOT. Important Note:  📍👉 After the initial airdrop, more tokens will be airdropped to users continuously and flow into the market, which may cause the token price to fall. 👉Users from onchain airdrop and wallet claim may experience delay in airdrop claiming, which may lead to further price fluctuations Get ready to farm and harvest . #BinanceLaunchpool
DUAL INVESTMENT (Part 2) Benefits and risks involved Helping you to understand it further, Dual Investment gives you an opportunity to buy or sell crypto at your desired price and date in the future, while earning high rewards no matter which direction the market goes DUAL INVESTMENT BENEFITS: 1. Buy Low or Sell High: You can buy crypto at a lower price or sell crypto at a higher price; High Rewards: You’ll earn a high passive income no matter which direction the market goes 2. Wide Selection: You can choose from a wide variety of assets and set the target date and price to your liking 3. No Trading Fees: Zero trading fees when the target is reached and the “Buy Low” or “Sell High” product is filled When should I use Dual Investment? Whether you’re an advanced trader or simply a HODLer that wants to earn some extra rewards, there are many reasons why you may decide to use Dual Investment Some of the most common scenarios include: *Take profit: Sell your crypto holding at a Target Price to realize some of your gains while benefiting from additional rewards; *Buy the dips: Buy crypto at a Target Price when the market is down, and enjoy additional rewards; *Grow more crypto: You have crypto and want to earn additional returns while holding onto them; *Grow more stablecoin: You have stablecoins and want to earn additional returns while holding onto them. How to check your subscriptions? Your subscriptions are visible on Binance in the Portfolio tab > Earn Cryptos, then in the “Double investment” tab RISK OF DUAL INVESTMENT 1. Depending on the product execution scenario, the invested asset can be converted without another crypto upon delivery (BTC, USDT or FDUSD) 2. Subscriptions cannot be canceled. There is a risk due to the blocking of funds, during a possible period of high volatility in the crypto market. Also keep in mind that the reference price mentioned in the product details may be readjusted according to the price on the Spot market, up to 24 hours after the start of the offer period. Wait for part 3 #Binance

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