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💎 MEDICALVEDA PRESALE ANNOUNCEMENT 💎 We're proud to announce the presale for MedicalVEDA. Their presale is taking place on the 8th of May at 00:15 UTC! 🕗 MedicalVEDA is a futuristic way to manage health information and offer a Personalized Medicine Solution: AI analyses genetic data to identify individual variations and tailor treatment plans based on a patient’s unique genetic makeup. Predictive analytics help forecast disease risks and personalized healthcare interventions. 🔥 #Solana


We're proud to announce the presale for MedicalVEDA.

Their presale is taking place on the 8th of May at 00:15 UTC! 🕗

MedicalVEDA is a futuristic way to manage health information and offer a Personalized Medicine Solution: AI analyses genetic data to identify individual variations and tailor treatment plans based on a patient’s unique genetic makeup. Predictive analytics help forecast disease risks and personalized healthcare interventions. 🔥


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