Binance Square
LONG #FRONTUSDT  from $1.175 stop loss $1.1663 $FRONT 5m TF. The FRONT tool has a growing pattern of movement. Increased trading activity and volatility indicate that there are participants in the market who are interested in the coin. Despite this, the price does not fall, which indicates the predominance of demand over supply. Consolidation is taking place near the 1.1750 level, and I expect the price to rise with a further update of the local maximum #Cryptoz  & @CScalpEN

LONG #FRONTUSDT  from $1.175 stop loss $1.1663 $FRONT

5m TF. The FRONT tool has a growing pattern of movement. Increased trading activity and volatility indicate that there are participants in the market who are interested in the coin. Despite this, the price does not fall, which indicates the predominance of demand over supply. Consolidation is taking place near the 1.1750 level, and I expect the price to rise with a further update of the local maximum

#Cryptoz  & @CScalpEN

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