Binance Square
Gamefi Gems
💰 Sui creator says crypto’s “ChatGPT moment” coming as protocol celebrates mainnet's first year After a busy 12 months that included launching on mainnet and the announcement of fresh partnerships with TikTok parent ByteDance and Google, Mysten Labs, creator of the Layer 1 Sui  protocol, is confident that blockchain tech is about turn the proverbial corner. “The killer app for web3 is coming. The ChatGPT moment is coming soon,” Evan Cheng, CEO and co-founder of Mysten Labs told The Block, adding the current bull run is coinciding with web2 tech giants expressing more interest in blockchain than before. #altcoins #BlackRock #MicroStrategy #eth‬ #buythedip

💰 Sui creator says crypto’s “ChatGPT moment” coming as protocol celebrates mainnet's first year

After a busy 12 months that included launching on mainnet and the announcement of fresh partnerships with TikTok parent ByteDance and Google, Mysten Labs, creator of the Layer 1 Sui  protocol, is confident that blockchain tech is about turn the proverbial corner. “The killer app for web3 is coming. The ChatGPT moment is coming soon,” Evan Cheng, CEO and co-founder of Mysten Labs told The Block, adding the current bull run is coinciding with web2 tech giants expressing more interest in blockchain than before.

#altcoins #BlackRock #MicroStrategy #eth‬ #buythedip

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