Binance Square
#Bitcoin 🔔🔔🔔 Some peoples speak for big BTC drop ,but all of this peoples speak for old times ,and BTC in history‼️ But this time is not same ‼️ Yes BTC drops to 30,40k and go to all time high✅ But this time BTC is going to very big position with this market cap ,and big investments I think BTC is going to 120/150.000 ✍️ BTC don’t need drop to 30,40k this time because he is going to much time higher ,dip is now ✅‼️ Meme coins have big potential ,for big profitability Buy Much money in #pepe Big potential to make big profits ! #Cardano with this market cap and long investment is going to 5/7$ Be ready ‼️✅ Don’t trust people who watch old charts or speak and write only for own interests !

#Bitcoin 🔔🔔🔔

Some peoples speak for big BTC drop ,but all of this peoples speak for old times ,and BTC in history‼️

But this time is not same ‼️

Yes BTC drops to 30,40k and go to all time high✅

But this time BTC is going to very big position with this market cap ,and big investments

I think BTC is going to 120/150.000 ✍️

BTC don’t need drop to 30,40k this time because he is going to much time higher ,dip is now ✅‼️

Meme coins have big potential ,for big profitability


Much money in


Big potential to make big profits !

#Cardano with this market cap and long investment is going to 5/7$

Be ready ‼️✅

Don’t trust people who watch old charts or speak and write only for own interests !

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