Binance Square
crypto_MOJ news
Here's why @cz_binance should not be sentenced👇 - He admitted his mistakes and cooperated with the investigation. - @binance paid a fine of $4.3 billion. - CZ has embraced effective altruism through charity - He's a leader in the crypto space and his absence could hurt the industry. - Under CZ's leadership, #Binance has prioritized user safety. #BinanceLaunchpool #CZBİNANCE @cryptoMOJ

Here's why @cz_binance should not be sentenced👇

- He admitted his mistakes and cooperated with the investigation.

- @binance paid a fine of $4.3 billion.

- CZ has embraced effective altruism through charity

- He's a leader in the crypto space and his absence could hurt the industry.

- Under CZ's leadership, #Binance has prioritized user safety.

#BinanceLaunchpool #CZBİNANCE @crypto_MOJ news

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