Binance Square
Decrypted Labs
In the 2015-2017 cycle, Bitcoin peaked 518 days after the Halving In the 2019-2021 cycle, Bitcoin peaked 546 days after the Halving If history repeats and the next Bull Market peak occurs 518-546 days after the Halving... That would mean Bitcoin could peak in this cycle in mid-September or mid-October 2025 Currently, Bitcoin is accelerating in this cycle by approximately 220 days So the longer Bitcoin consolidates after the Halving, the better it will be for resynchronising this current cycle with the traditional Halving cycle

In the 2015-2017 cycle, Bitcoin peaked 518 days after the Halving

In the 2019-2021 cycle, Bitcoin peaked 546 days after the Halving

If history repeats and the next Bull Market peak occurs 518-546 days after the Halving...

That would mean Bitcoin could peak in this cycle in mid-September or mid-October 2025

Currently, Bitcoin is accelerating in this cycle by approximately 220 days

So the longer Bitcoin consolidates after the Halving, the better it will be for resynchronising this current cycle with the traditional Halving cycle

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