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Onchain Research - TheDatafi
$BONE | Expects A Massive Pump If Becomes The Gas Token For $SHIB Layer3 Network iCrypto Terminal has identified a new gem accumulated by Smart Dex Traders: $BoneShiba Over the past week, Smart DEX Traders (SDTs) have acquired a significant amount of $BONE, totaling 323.8K ($202.9K), avg price = $0.69. There has been a notable increase of over 7% compared to a week ago. Following a notable sell-off on the 21st, SDTs have continued to accumulate $BONE, suggesting their confidence in the token's future growth. Beyond trading activity, recent developments are also noteworthy. #ShibaInu 's successful fundraising for a layer-3 blockchain project bodes well for $BONE, as both tokens are part of the same ecosystem. Additionally, on April 24th, $BONE hinted that it might become the gas token for SHIB's #Layer3 further fueling bullish sentiment. -> Considering both the trading patterns of SDTs and the significant project-related updates, it appears that $BONE is emerging as a favored token for accumulation among SDTs. $DOGE $FIL

$BONE | Expects A Massive Pump If Becomes The Gas Token For $SHIB Layer3 Network

iCrypto Terminal has identified a new gem accumulated by Smart Dex Traders: $BoneShiba

Over the past week, Smart DEX Traders (SDTs) have acquired a significant amount of $BONE, totaling 323.8K ($202.9K), avg price = $0.69.

There has been a notable increase of over 7% compared to a week ago. Following a notable sell-off on the 21st, SDTs have continued to accumulate $BONE, suggesting their confidence in the token's future growth.

Beyond trading activity, recent developments are also noteworthy. #ShibaInu 's successful fundraising for a layer-3 blockchain project bodes well for $BONE, as both tokens are part of the same ecosystem.

Additionally, on April 24th, $BONE hinted that it might become the gas token for SHIB's #Layer3 further fueling bullish sentiment.

-> Considering both the trading patterns of SDTs and the significant project-related updates, it appears that $BONE is emerging as a favored token for accumulation among SDTs.


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