Binance Square
✔️ BTC for $62,000, ETH for $3,000. The index of fear and greed is 66 (Greed). The altcoin season index is 41. The market capitalization is $2.2 trillion. 👇 From the news: ⚡️ Binance launches Megadrop: a token launch platform with airdrop and Web3 quests. 👀 Santiment : The average amount of fees on the ETH network has dropped to the levels of the beginning of the year. Thoughts on coins: 📉 Applicants for Short: - ONG - LSK 📈 Applicants for Long: - SUI - ARB

✔️ BTC for $62,000, ETH for $3,000.

The index of fear and greed is 66 (Greed).

The altcoin season index is 41.

The market capitalization is $2.2 trillion.

👇 From the news:

⚡️ Binance launches Megadrop: a token launch platform with airdrop and Web3 quests.

👀 Santiment : The average amount of fees on the ETH network has dropped to the levels of the beginning of the year.

Thoughts on coins:

📉 Applicants for Short:



📈 Applicants for Long:



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