Binance Square
#bitcoinhalving Singapore-based Exchange WEEX Joins Forces with Terra Classic Community to Burn LUNC Tokens WEEX, a Singapore-based cryptocurrency #exchange , has launched an initiative to support the Terra Classic community and its LUNC burn program, indicating its dedication to the ecosystem. This includes the introduction of a dedicated landing page for $LUNC on their website, collaboration with influential community figure Mr. Diamondhandz1, and allocation of 15% of trading fees towards burning #LUNC✅ tokens. The initiative aims to reduce circulating supply and enhance community engagement, contributing to the revitalization of the #TerraClassic ecosystem. #BinanceLaunchpool


Singapore-based Exchange WEEX Joins Forces with Terra Classic Community to Burn LUNC Tokens

WEEX, a Singapore-based cryptocurrency #exchange , has launched an initiative to support the Terra Classic community and its LUNC burn program, indicating its dedication to the ecosystem. This includes the introduction of a dedicated landing page for $LUNC on their website, collaboration with influential community figure Mr. Diamondhandz1, and allocation of 15% of trading fees towards burning #LUNC✅ tokens. The initiative aims to reduce circulating supply and enhance community engagement, contributing to the revitalization of the #TerraClassic ecosystem.


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