Binance Square
Max Cryptobuddy
🚀LINK's price may be down to $15, but analysts are predicting a rally! Reduced selling pressure suggests a potential value growth in the near future. 📈Crypto Wolf lists LINK among the "mooners" for this bull run, alongside FLOKI, DOT, and NEAR. SlumDOGE Millionaire also rates LINK as a top "blue chip" crypto. 🔮Another analyst sees a 10x-20x price increase potential for LINK, similar to AVAX, INJ, SEI, ICP, HONEY, and KAS. 💡LINK's exchange netflow turning negative is a bullish sign, indicating reduced immediate selling pressure. 🤔What do you think? Is LINK ready to moon? Share your thoughts below! #LINK #Crypto #BullRun 🚀🌕

🚀LINK's price may be down to $15, but analysts are predicting a rally! Reduced selling pressure suggests a potential value growth in the near future.

📈Crypto Wolf lists LINK among the "mooners" for this bull run, alongside FLOKI, DOT, and NEAR. SlumDOGE Millionaire also rates LINK as a top "blue chip" crypto.

🔮Another analyst sees a 10x-20x price increase potential for LINK, similar to AVAX, INJ, SEI, ICP, HONEY, and KAS.

💡LINK's exchange netflow turning negative is a bullish sign, indicating reduced immediate selling pressure.

🤔What do you think? Is LINK ready to moon? Share your thoughts below! #LINK #Crypto #BullRun 🚀🌕

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