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How you could make over $100,000 in 1 hour on $JUP arbitrage (and will be able to do so next time if you read my thread) Arbitrage has always been and will continue to be one of the most profitable niches ⬇️🧵 Arbitrage is basically buying a token on one exchange for a cheaper price than on another, transferring the tokens to the exchange where the rate is higher, and selling them there. Today, we will discuss the most basic arbitrage opportunities. ❶ | To be profitable in arbitrage, it's important to be aware of the following: ➜ When and where arbitrage opportunities occur ➜ Fees for trading ➜ Risks associated with account ban ➜ Spread disappearing risk ➜ Potential deposit/withdrawal issues on CEX platforms Lets continue following for more updates....Note that this is a series

How you could make over $100,000 in 1 hour on $JUP arbitrage

(and will be able to do so next time if you read my thread)

Arbitrage has always been and will continue to be one of the most profitable niches


Arbitrage is basically buying a token on one exchange for a cheaper price than on another, transferring the tokens to the exchange where the rate is higher, and selling them there.

Today, we will discuss the most basic arbitrage opportunities.

❶ | To be profitable in arbitrage, it's important to be aware of the following:

➜ When and where arbitrage opportunities occur

➜ Fees for trading

➜ Risks associated with account ban

➜ Spread disappearing risk

➜ Potential deposit/withdrawal issues on CEX platforms

Lets continue following for more updates....Note that this is a series

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