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Bitcoin Gurukul
10 predictions for the next crypto bull run (2025) 1. Total crypto market cap hits $6 - 10 trillion. 2. $BTC hits an ATH of $120,000 - $160,000. 3. RWA Tokenisation is the most popular narrative. 4. $RIO leads the RWA explosion & hits $20-$30. 5. $ETH hits an ATH of $10,000. 6. $QNT and $KAS sit in the Top 10. 7. Fundamentally strong newer projects outperform older ones. 8. L1, AI and Gaming are hugely popular narratives - $AZERO $TAO $NAKA 9. Many dinosaur coins will not return to their previous ATHs. 10. The winners all bought the dip in 2023.

10 predictions for the next crypto bull run (2025)

1. Total crypto market cap hits $6 - 10 trillion.

2. $BTC hits an ATH of $120,000 - $160,000.

3. RWA Tokenisation is the most popular narrative.

4. $RIO leads the RWA explosion & hits $20-$30.

5. $ETH hits an ATH of $10,000.

6. $QNT and $KAS sit in the Top 10.

7. Fundamentally strong newer projects outperform older ones.

8. L1, AI and Gaming are hugely popular narratives - $AZERO $TAO $NAKA

9. Many dinosaur coins will not return to their previous ATHs.

10. The winners all bought the dip in 2023.

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Weekly Token + Narrative Watchlist🔎 • $ENA - "New shiny + Serious projects" = Ethena - Achieved the highest returns among major dApps over the last 7 days, with $8M in earnings. - Significantly increased TAM with BTC collateral acceptance. • $ORDI - Serves as the default memecoin proxy for the BTC Halving cycle. - On April 4, Franklin Templeton wrote a report on Bitcoin Ordinals. - Scheduled for a Coinbase Futures listing on April 11th, Stacks Nakamoto Upgrade beginning on April 16th. • $FTM - Andre Cronje said, "Sonic upgrade still spring and The Summer target is something bigger." - Recently, Solana experienced network congestion. Fantom could be an indirect beneficiary of this issue with its "horizontal scaling" narrative. • $ALT - Rumors suggest an Eigenlayer TGE happening in mid-April, hinted by Arthur Hayes. - Altlayer is a leading Eigen-beta with a "Restaked Rollup narrative". - $ALT stakers are highly likely to receive airdrops of $EIGEN and $XTER. • $DOGE - In recent years (2021, 2022, 2023), Doge has shown a tendency to maintain its upward momentum until the day before Doge Day (4/20). • $MANTLE - Mantle is guaranteeing high returns for $MNT stakers through Ethena/Pendle - An airdrop of $PUFF has been conducted for $MNT stakers, and the price of $PUFF has reached an ATH, attracting retail money. - As a result, Mantle's TVL and holders are reaching new ATHs daily, acting as a catalyst for upward momentum. • $ANKR - AI + dePIN + BTC LST + RaaS = Ankr - The utility of the $ANKR token is being reevaluated due to @Neura_io. - Important announcement expected at "Stability World AI" on April 15th. • $STG - The launch of Stargate V2 is imminent, as hinted by Layerzero Co-Founder. - Currently, it's the leading bridge in terms of volume and DAU. - The launch of Wormhole $W is causing a reevaluation of the value of interoperability projects. ———————————————— I hope you've found this helpful🫡 ➬ Follow me @Bitcoin Gurukul for more. 💕Like + Repost if you enjoy this watchlist series!

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