The current price of$CKB /USDT is $0.014650, reflecting a 2.10% increase over the past 24 hours. The price has shown a positive trend, rising from a low of $0.013551 to its current level, indicating strong buying interest. The recent price action suggests a bullish sentiment, with a significant upward movement marked by long green candlesticks.

In terms of support and resistance, the recent low of $0.013551 serves as a key support level, while the immediate resistance is at $0.015132. Breaking through this resistance could signal further upward momentum. The trading volume of 4.90 billion CKB reinforces the price increase, suggesting that the current trend may be sustainable if volume remains robust.

Additionally, it is important to monitor moving averages for trend confirmation. A potential bullish crossover of the 50-period moving average above the 200-period moving average could indicate a stronger bullish trend. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) should also be watched; readings above 70 may suggest overbought conditions, while levels below 30 indicate oversold.

In conclusion, the current bullish trend for CKB/USDT shows potential for further gains, particularly if the price can break through the resistance level at $0.015132. Traders should remain vigilant for changes in volume and RSI to assess the sustainability of this upward movement.

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