Binance Square
HOW TO AVOID P2P SCAMS AND LOSS OF FUNDS 🚭🚫 -- A complete beginner's guide If you are new to Crypto trading including p2p, this post is meant for you !! Binance p2p is relatively safe compared to some other exchanges. However, it is not entirely free from scammers! To prevent accidentally or ignorantly loosing of your fund during P2P transactions, apply these cautions below : 1. Place buy/sell p2p orders ONLY from Binance p2p verified merchants 2. Check the 30 days completion rate of the merchant - It is best if it is not below 90% 3. Compare the positive and negative feedbacks from his counterparts 4. Check total trades of the merchant- the higher the better with good corresponding feedbacks 5. Then when you finally placed a sell order, 🚫 don't be a victim of Proof of Payment (POP), ensure you got the correct amount in your account before releasing the coin. Moreover , 🚫 *Don't tap on "Payment Received" area if you haven't and don't be fooled into releasing your crypto before payment 🚭 no matter what the buyer said to you 📌 6. If you are the buyer in p2p, please make sure to have a stable network so that you won't have any issues when trying to click on "I have paid " You must click on I have made payment , and wait for the seller to release the coin, otherwise , the system will cancel the trade after the trade countdown believing that you didn't pay. So be careful not to miss it. If you have further questions concerning Binance p2p, drop it in the comment section , I will attend to all questions in the next p2p post. Stay Safu 🧡 #Crypto_Angel

HOW TO AVOID P2P SCAMS AND LOSS OF FUNDS 🚭🚫 -- A complete beginner's guide

If you are new to Crypto trading including p2p, this post is meant for you !!

Binance p2p is relatively safe compared to some other exchanges. However, it is not entirely free from scammers!

To prevent accidentally or ignorantly loosing of your fund during P2P transactions, apply these cautions below :

1. Place buy/sell p2p orders ONLY from Binance p2p verified merchants

2. Check the 30 days completion rate of the merchant - It is best if it is not below 90%

3. Compare the positive and negative feedbacks from his counterparts

4. Check total trades of the merchant- the higher the better with good corresponding feedbacks

5. Then when you finally placed a sell order, 🚫 don't be a victim of Proof of Payment (POP), ensure you got the correct amount in your account before releasing the coin.

Moreover , 🚫 *Don't tap on "Payment Received" area if you haven't and don't be fooled into releasing your crypto before payment 🚭 no matter what the buyer said to you 📌

6. If you are the buyer in p2p, please make sure to have a stable network so that you won't have any issues when trying to click on "I have paid "

You must click on I have made payment , and wait for the seller to release the coin, otherwise , the system will cancel the trade after the trade countdown believing that you didn't pay. So be careful not to miss it.

If you have further questions concerning Binance p2p, drop it in the comment section , I will attend to all questions in the next p2p post.

Stay Safu 🧡


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Understanding the meaning of tick Size and it's importance to a trader! To this note, @Binance will update the Tick size of the following spot trading pairs: MEANING ; Tick size is the minimum price change between different bid and offer prices of an asset traded on an exchange platform. It is the minimum price difference that must exist at all times between consecutive bid and offer prices. 📍 Importance of Tick Size To a Trader The main purpose of setting a tick size is to maintain orderliness and efficiency in trading activities. By establishing a standardized minimum price increment, exchanges ensure fair and transparent pricing for all participants. Traders closely monitor tick size as it directly impacts their potential profits or losses. 📍 So, In order to increase market liquidity and improve trading experience, Binance will complete adjustments for the tick size (i.e., the minimum change in the unit price) of certain spot trading pairs by 2024-04-22 05:00 (UTC) and 2024-04-22 07:00 (UTC). 📍 The adjustment will not affect spot trading and other relevant functions. 📍 Tick size via API will also change. API users may use GET /api/v3/exchangeInfo for the latest tick size. For further details and updates, please refer to API Changelog. 📍 The tick size update will not affect existing spot orders. After the tick size is updated, orders placed before the update will still be matched with the original tick size. 📍 Please adjust your trading strategies accordingly to avoid unnecessary impact on your trading. Some of the pairs: ACE/BNB, ACE/BTC, ACE/FDUSD, ACE/USDT, AEVO/BNB,AEVO/FDUSD, AEVO/USDT, APT/BTC, etc. Read details and dates here Have a beautiful new week ! #Crypto_Angel #HotTrends @Binance Square Official
Picking a good cryptocurrency for Trading or Investment is not that difficult ! If you are a crypto beginner , you need to follow these steps in order to be making profitable trades or investments . Thus, Several factors determine whether a token/coin is good for trading or investing in. Such factors include but not limited to: market capitalization (MC), liquidity, community support, and the technology behind the cryptocurrency. Consider the token’s use-case scenarios, the founding team’s reputation, and the coin’s potential for growth. Also, stay updated with cryptocurrency news to understand market trends and fluctuations. HOW SAFE IS CRYPTO ? Although investing in cryptocurrencies can be enticing due to high returns, it is crucial for beginner cryptocurrency traders to understand the associated risks. Cryptocurrencies can fluctuate widely quickly. Nevertheless, beginners can mitigate these risks with careful research, risk management strategies, and safe custody solutions. AS A BEGINNER, SHOULD YOU PARTICIPATE IN A CRYPTO ICO? A cryptocurrency ICO, also called blockchain ICO, can offer massive potential for high returns. ICOs are fundraising methods used by new projects where investors purchase tokens in exchange for fiat or digital currencies. The lack of regulation and the high number of scams in ICOs mandate caution. Before investing in an ICO, beginners should perform in-depth research about the project, the team behind it, and its potential for success in the long run. Don't forget that doing a proper research is very important before any investment in crypto trading or holding . Don't forget to always manage your risk properly and control your emotions while trading . Note that, everyone was once in his/her lifetime a beginner in every field because nobody was born perfect! Even the highest crypto analyst today was once like you , but with continuous education and experiences, you will become perfect too. Keep building 💪 be persistent ! be consistent ! You will make it someday ! #Crypto_Angel #HotTrends

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