Binance Square
🚨#Crypto tycoon Sam Bankman-Fried's lawyers seek permission to question FTX co-founder Gary Wang about his reliance on legal advice for loans from linked hedge fund Alameda Research.💼 🔍Prosecutors probed Wang on $200-300M loans used for venture investments & a Bahamas house.🏠 👨‍⚖️Judge previously reluctant to let Bankman-Fried blame alleged fraud on lawyers. Will this change the game?🤔 Share your thoughts below!👇 🔗Read more: [CoinDesk link]

🚨#Crypto tycoon Sam Bankman-Fried's lawyers seek permission to question FTX co-founder Gary Wang about his reliance on legal advice for loans from linked hedge fund Alameda Research.💼

🔍Prosecutors probed Wang on $200-300M loans used for venture investments & a Bahamas house.🏠

👨‍⚖️Judge previously reluctant to let Bankman-Fried blame alleged fraud on lawyers. Will this change the game?🤔 Share your thoughts below!👇

🔗Read more: [CoinDesk link]

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