Binance Square
🚀Crypto fans, buckle up! The Ripple-SEC legal showdown is approaching, and we've got some juicy predictions for you! 😂 Attorney Jeremy Hogan sees a 39.546% chance of Ripple's case going to court in 2024, with a verdict appeal in 2025 and a final judgment by 2026. But wait, there's more! He also speculates a 32.113% probability of the SEC opting for a settlement, which could speed up the process by a year. 🤔 And for the wildcard: an 18.987% chance of a court-ordered settlement that clears Ripple and its leaders of all charges. Will the SEC go for an early resolution, or will they drag it out? Mark your calendars for Dec 21, 2023, just in case! 📅 What do you think will happen? Share your thoughts in the comments! Let's get this crypto party started! 🎉

🚀Crypto fans, buckle up! The Ripple-SEC legal showdown is approaching, and we've got some juicy predictions for you! 😂

Attorney Jeremy Hogan sees a 39.546% chance of Ripple's case going to court in 2024, with a verdict appeal in 2025 and a final judgment by 2026. But wait, there's more! He also speculates a 32.113% probability of the SEC opting for a settlement, which could speed up the process by a year. 🤔

And for the wildcard: an 18.987% chance of a court-ordered settlement that clears Ripple and its leaders of all charges. Will the SEC go for an early resolution, or will they drag it out? Mark your calendars for Dec 21, 2023, just in case! 📅

What do you think will happen? Share your thoughts in the comments! Let's get this crypto party started! 🎉

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