Binance Square
LONG #KLAYUSDT from $0.123 stop loss $0.118 $KLAY 15m TF. Locally, an upward movement structure is observed for this instrument, there are noticeably increased volumes, the price has formed a good rounding in the long and a gradual compression under a maximum of $ 0.1250, the buyer's activity remains at the level, the seller, in turn, does not show activity, globally the coin has been declining for a very long time, I will consider at least a local correction in the long by withdrawal of the nearest liquidity and further price movement to the nearest seller's zone of interest marked on the chart

LONG #KLAYUSDT from $0.123 stop loss $0.118 $KLAY

15m TF. Locally, an upward movement structure is observed for this instrument, there are noticeably increased volumes, the price has formed a good rounding in the long and a gradual compression under a maximum of $ 0.1250, the buyer's activity remains at the level, the seller, in turn, does not show activity, globally the coin has been declining for a very long time, I will consider at least a local correction in the long by withdrawal of the nearest liquidity and further price movement to the nearest seller's zone of interest marked on the chart

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