Binance Square
🚨 ATTENTION 🚨 Coins that i will start accumulating in the next week As a binancier trader since 2020 i made thousands $$$ of profit Look at these bottomed coins and focusing on accumulate… 🚨NOT a financial advice ..🚨 please do your OWN research before invest in crypto This is the list 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 1- #HOT 2- #FIL 3- #SC 4- #STORJ 5- #FLOW 6- #FTM 7- #VET 8- #QTUM 9- #CAKE 10- #DENT ALL THESE COINS WILL BE 20% of my portfolio. And 80% will be #BTC AND #ETH And #BNB


Coins that i will start accumulating in the next week

As a binancier trader since 2020 i made thousands $$$ of profit

Look at these bottomed coins and focusing on accumulate…

🚨NOT a financial advice ..🚨

please do your OWN research before invest in crypto

This is the list 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

1- #HOT

2- #FIL

3- #SC


5- #FLOW

6- #FTM

7- #VET

8- #QTUM

9- #CAKE

10- #DENT

ALL THESE COINS WILL BE 20% of my portfolio.

And 80% will be #BTC AND #ETH

And #BNB

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