Binance Square
Analysis #MASK 4H-Frame: Since the last crash, we are in an uptrend channel. We can build constantly new highs and make no new lows. If we can break above the yellow resistance line, this might indicate a new bullish move. Our goal would be around $3.510, which closes the fair value gap. We will keep you updated! To get more interesting updates and informations hit the like & follow button ✅

Analysis #MASK 4H-Frame:

Since the last crash, we are in an uptrend channel. We can build constantly new highs and make no new lows. If we can break above the yellow resistance line, this might indicate a new bullish move. Our goal would be around $3.510, which closes the fair value gap.

We will keep you updated!

To get more interesting updates and informations hit the like & follow button ✅

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