Binance Square
🚨 JPMorgan warns of Ethereum centralization risks! 📉 Since the Merge and Shanghai upgrades, staking activities on Ethereum have surged, leading to concerns about centralization and declining staking yields. Rehypothecation, the practice of reusing liquidity tokens as collateral, could also threaten the DeFi ecosystem's stability. ETH staking yield has dropped from 7.3% to 5.5% after the Shanghai upgrade. 🌍 On a positive note, Ethereum's energy consumption has significantly reduced, contributing to environmental sustainability. 💬 What do you think about Ethereum's centralization risks? Share your thoughts below!

🚨 JPMorgan warns of Ethereum centralization risks! 📉 Since the Merge and Shanghai upgrades, staking activities on Ethereum have surged, leading to concerns about centralization and declining staking yields. Rehypothecation, the practice of reusing liquidity tokens as collateral, could also threaten the DeFi ecosystem's stability. ETH staking yield has dropped from 7.3% to 5.5% after the Shanghai upgrade. 🌍 On a positive note, Ethereum's energy consumption has significantly reduced, contributing to environmental sustainability. 💬 What do you think about Ethereum's centralization risks? Share your thoughts below!

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