Binance Square
🚨Stars Arena, an Avalanche-based decentralized social media protocol, has secured funding to cover a $3M loss from a recent hack!🎉 A white hat dev team will review the platform's security before reopening the smart contract with all funds intact.🔒 📉Hackers drained Stars Arena's total value locked (TVL) to just $0.05, but the platform is confident in its recovery.🌟 🗣️Ava Labs CEO Emin Gün Sirer said the hack is "a mere speed bump" and compared it to Wormhole's $300M and Axie Infinity's $625M losses, which are still operational.💪 What are your thoughts on the Stars Arena hack?💭 Share your opinions in the comments!👇

🚨Stars Arena, an Avalanche-based decentralized social media protocol, has secured funding to cover a $3M loss from a recent hack!🎉 A white hat dev team will review the platform's security before reopening the smart contract with all funds intact.🔒

📉Hackers drained Stars Arena's total value locked (TVL) to just $0.05, but the platform is confident in its recovery.🌟

🗣️Ava Labs CEO Emin Gün Sirer said the hack is "a mere speed bump" and compared it to Wormhole's $300M and Axie Infinity's $625M losses, which are still operational.💪

What are your thoughts on the Stars Arena hack?💭 Share your opinions in the comments!👇

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