Binance Square
#onedex team has delivered allways. This is one of the best project i tried.

#onedex team has delivered allways. This is one of the best project i tried.

🌐 One♾️Finity Day 6 - Limit Orders with Stop Loss

Stop Loss has now been added to our Limit Order tool, opening up a new world of on-chain trading possibilities for our community!


Here’s the breakdown of the latest tool to hit the OneDex Platform in Mainnet:

🔘 Now that this feature is activated, users will be able to place “buy” or “sell” orders depending on where they see their best entry price.

🔘 For instance, for a buy order, the user may wish to enter at a lower price, around a level of clear support, or even entering a trade once a level of clear resistance has been broken, with the potential for more upside in the trade.

🔘 This will also be the case for a sell order.

🔘 OneDex Stop Loss is triggered when the price behaves counter to the order that has been set by the user.

🔘 Orders will always be executed at the best price by the bot. If the buy price is set for $0.10 and the price falls from $0.12 to $0.08, the buy order will be executed at the lower price. The difference will NOT be arbitraged by the OneDex Limit Order bot.

🔘 These “Smart Orders” are similar to an “OCO” (One cancels the other) order on centralized exchanges.

🔘 This tool will be perfect for traders looking to ride the price action wave and potentially generate profits in a fully automated set of on-chain transactions.

❤️ & RT
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