Binance Square
"U.S. prosecutors aim to seize two private jets owned by FTX founder SBF, alleging they were purchased by Trans Island Airways with funding from SBF at a total cost of $28.4 million. SBF's representatives state that the planes were intended for family, friends, guests, and FTX executives but remained unused due to interior upgrades and FTX's bankruptcy in November. 🛩️💼 #SBF #FTX"

"U.S. prosecutors aim to seize two private jets owned by FTX founder SBF, alleging they were purchased by Trans Island Airways with funding from SBF at a total cost of $28.4 million. SBF's representatives state that the planes were intended for family, friends, guests, and FTX executives but remained unused due to interior upgrades and FTX's bankruptcy in November. 🛩️💼 #SBF #FTX"

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