Binance Square
10:58 0 LTE2 KB/s. ll26% Johnmiracle Web3 This is how 2 years in a crypto bull run will change your life. I'll share my secret strategy. It's simple. 1. You are not going to buy Bitcoin 2. Instead buy Altcoins that have less than $400 million market cap, 3. You will buy coins that are less than 2 years old, 4. You will pick coins in the fields of data, ai and gaming 5. Those sectors will 20x in the bull run. 5. Then sell into less volatile coins like $ETH and $BTC That's it. This is my current strategy which will make me more millions by 2025. I've done it before and will do it again. Follow me. as next I'll share my list of coins looking at.

10:58 0

LTE2 KB/s. ll26%

Johnmiracle Web3

This is how 2 years in a crypto bull run will change your life.

I'll share my secret strategy.

It's simple.

1. You are not going to buy Bitcoin

2. Instead buy Altcoins that have less than $400 million market cap,

3. You will buy coins that are less than 2 years old,

4. You will pick coins in the fields of data, ai and gaming

5. Those sectors will 20x in the bull run.

5. Then sell into less volatile coins like $ETH and $BTC

That's it.

This is my current strategy which will make me more millions by 2025.

I've done it before and will do it again.

Follow me. as next I'll share my list of coins looking at.

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