Binance Square
Jack BlockchainJack
🚀DeFi fans, brace yourselves! HK Stock Exchange's Stock Connect is getting a blockchain upgrade called Synapse! 🤖 😂Laugh all you want, but this bad boy will use smart contracts to execute post-trade workflows & reduce settlement risk. Efficiency, here we come! 🌟 🔗Synapse connects HK & mainland China markets, creating settlement instructions for all parties, enabling concurrent processing & near-instant updates. Talk about a game-changer! 🎮 💰The Stock Connect's avg daily turnover reached $15.3B in 1H 2023, up 5% YoY & 50% from 2020 levels. 📈 🇦🇺Meanwhile, down under, ASX has been advised to adopt blockchain for its settlement system too. Will they follow suit? 🤔 🗓️Mark your calendars, Synapse launches in HK on Oct 9! 🎉 🗣️What do you think about this blockchain upgrade? Share your thoughts in the comments! Let's get the conversation going! 💬

🚀DeFi fans, brace yourselves! HK Stock Exchange's Stock Connect is getting a blockchain upgrade called Synapse! 🤖

😂Laugh all you want, but this bad boy will use smart contracts to execute post-trade workflows & reduce settlement risk. Efficiency, here we come! 🌟

🔗Synapse connects HK & mainland China markets, creating settlement instructions for all parties, enabling concurrent processing & near-instant updates. Talk about a game-changer! 🎮

💰The Stock Connect's avg daily turnover reached $15.3B in 1H 2023, up 5% YoY & 50% from 2020 levels. 📈

🇦🇺Meanwhile, down under, ASX has been advised to adopt blockchain for its settlement system too. Will they follow suit? 🤔

🗓️Mark your calendars, Synapse launches in HK on Oct 9! 🎉

🗣️What do you think about this blockchain upgrade? Share your thoughts in the comments! Let's get the conversation going! 💬

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