Binance Square
Analysis #OP 4H-Frame: #OP is trading at a price of $1.315. We are still in an uptrend channel since we could not break below the latest low. If we can hold this level, our next goal would be a retest of the upper trendline. If the next candle closes above the red candle, we also have a bullish engulfing, which would be a possible long setup here. We will keep you updated! Like & Follow to get more interesting updates and informations 😇

Analysis #OP 4H-Frame:

#OP is trading at a price of $1.315. We are still in an uptrend channel since we could not break below the latest low. If we can hold this level, our next goal would be a retest of the upper trendline.

If the next candle closes above the red candle, we also have a bullish engulfing, which would be a possible long setup here.

We will keep you updated!

Like & Follow to get more interesting updates and informations 😇

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