Binance Square
TMX Group, Canada's largest exchange, is set to launch Bitcoin (BTC) futures contracts on its derivatives trading platform, Montréal Exchange (MX), in response to growing market demand for digital assets. The new Bitcoin Price Index Futures will enable investors to hedge exposure to Bitcoin spot trading while exploring other opportunities in the evolving cryptocurrency space. The product will offer investors portfolio diversification, real-time prices, liquidity, and active trading. The settlement value of the contracts will be determined through CoinDesk's Bitcoin Price Index (XBX). The futures contracts will trade on the Montreal Exchange and be cash-settled in U.S. dollars, with clearance done at the Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation (CDCC). This development highlights the optimistic outlook for the blockchain industry and the growing interest in digital assets.

TMX Group, Canada's largest exchange, is set to launch Bitcoin (BTC) futures contracts on its derivatives trading platform, Montréal Exchange (MX), in response to growing market demand for digital assets. The new Bitcoin Price Index Futures will enable investors to hedge exposure to Bitcoin spot trading while exploring other opportunities in the evolving cryptocurrency space. The product will offer investors portfolio diversification, real-time prices, liquidity, and active trading. The settlement value of the contracts will be determined through CoinDesk's Bitcoin Price Index (XBX). The futures contracts will trade on the Montreal Exchange and be cash-settled in U.S. dollars, with clearance done at the Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation (CDCC). This development highlights the optimistic outlook for the blockchain industry and the growing interest in digital assets.

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