Binance Square
Markhor Trading
Beautifull 💥 Lever done and Dusted what a dump after perfect retest all tps done 20% drop in future short all take profits targets done . it was amazing no doubts . stay tunned for more analysis and updates like this. happy Earning @MarkhorAdmin #opbnb #ETH #crypto2023

Beautifull 💥
Lever done and Dusted what a dump after perfect retest all tps done 20% drop in future short all take profits targets done . it was amazing no doubts .

stay tunned for more analysis and updates like this.

happy Earning


#opbnb #ETH #crypto2023

Markhor Trading
lever is now on main support zone keep eys on it if it brekdown from here then we will go for short to 0.2050.,0.20,0.1940,0.1820,0.1700++ but if bounce from here succesfuly we will go for long this is the main support zone for lever keep eyes on both sides for long and short both after succesful bounce long targets is0.22,0.23,0.24,0.25++

stay tunned for more updates
#crypto2023 #BTC #Layer2
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